Daniel Marques

Product Design in the age of AI:

Lessons learned while designing an AI product

11th October 2024


Every time a new paradigm disrupts the market, it uncovers a new set of design rules, collaboratively shaped by both users and designers. The World Wide Web introduced new ways of interacting with computers—such as the back button, refresh, and loading times—challenging designers to optimize this new environment, the web browser. Then came the era of mobile technology, characterized by smaller screens, touch gestures, haptics, and a shift in usage contexts. As a community, we navigated these changes, establishing dos and don’ts, and, over a decade, we have solidified strong expectations for mobile experiences.

Now, ChatGPT and large language models brings a shift towards natural language interaction, where conversational exchanges are as effective (or better) than traditional forms or button clicks. This evolution raises the question: How does human-computer interaction transform in this context? What are the expectations of users in this novel reality?

As natural language interaction becomes ubiquitous across products, follow Daniel in his exploration of the lessons learned from designing with language models. He will share insights learned from users, alongside with emerging conventions of the industry.

About Daniel

With a background in Communication and Multimedia Design, I've spent the last decade crafting intricate and technical products. I'm all about designing for tech-savvy audiences, diving deep into complex interactions, and tinkering with programming languages.


Lena Salgansky


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